
Meet Chris Hall; the Toogoom Beekeeper, Bringing Pure, Raw Honey to your Table

Discover the natural goodness of Toogoom Raw Honey, crafted with love and expertise by Chris Hall, a dedicated beekeeper with over a decade of experience. Chris began his beekeeping journey in 2012, transitioning from his role as a vet nurse to full-time beekeeping eight years ago. His passion for bees led him to Hervey Bay, where he spent three years finding the perfect environment for his hives.

Nestled in the idyllic setting of Toogoom, Chris’s apiary spans 12 acres and is home to 100 hives. This prime location backs onto a National Park, is surrounded by bushland, and is only 1 km from the beach. Here, his bees forage on a diverse array of flowers and plants, including ironbark, paperbark, banksia, wattle, and the local manuka variety, jelly bush. This rich floral variety results in honey that is not only delicious but also nutritious.

Chris is passionate about education and community. He founded the Fraser Coast Beekeepers club, a free and inclusive group where anyone can learn the art of beekeeping. With an observational hive, Chris provides hands-on experiences that teach the intricacies of bee care, emphasising the importance of informed beekeeping for the health of the bees, the quality of the honey, and the safety of the keepers.

Toogoom Raw Honey stands out for its exceptional quality. It is completely unheated and untreated, preserving its raw state for maximum health benefits. Chris meticulously extracts small batches of 100-200 kg, ensuring each batch is unique in flavour and nutritional profile. This raw honey is a probiotic powerhouse, great for gut health, boosting the immune system, aiding sleep, and even healing wounds.

Local honey from Toogoom not only supports your health but also reduces food miles, ensuring the freshest product possible. This fresh, locally-sourced honey is especially beneficial for those suffering from hay fever and other seasonal allergies. When bees forage on local flowering plants, they collect pollen that becomes a part of the honey they produce. Consuming this local honey exposes your body to small amounts of the same pollen that triggers allergic reactions, such as hay fever. By ingesting these trace amounts of pollen regularly, your immune system can gradually become accustomed to the allergens, potentially reducing your sensitivity over time.

This process, known as immunotherapy, can help your body build a natural defense against the airborne pollen that causes sneezing, congestion, and itchy eyes. Thus, incorporating Toogoom Raw Honey into your diet can serve as a natural antihistamine, helping to alleviate the symptoms of hay fever and allowing you to enjoy the outdoors without discomfort. Chris’s dedication to pure, raw honey makes Toogoom Raw Honey a standout choice for those seeking natural wellness.
Find Chris’ delicious raw local honey in store here at go natural foods.


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