banana and hemp protein pancakes

banana and hemp protein pancakes

“full of healthy fats and protein, these yummy pancakes will keep you full!”

Serves one large or two small pancakes

 what you need

1 tbs coconut oil
2 tbs hemp flour
1 tbs pea protein isolate
1/4 banana, mashed
1 egg, beaten
1/2 tsp cinnamon powder
1 tbs cooked pumpkin, mashed
1/4 tsp baking powder
stevia to taste (a good pinch or two)

to serve
1/4 cup vanilla coconut yoghurt
2 large strawberries, sliced
1 chunk of pawpaw, diced
1 tbs tahini
stevia to taste

 what to do

Heat coconut oil in heavy based saucepan over medium heat.

Combine all pancake ingredients in a bowl and mix well.

Drop 2 to 3 large spoonfuls of mixture onto the pan and spread evenly to make pancake shapes.

Cook for 5 minutes on each side.

To serve, combine yoghurt, fruit and stevia in another bowl and mix well. Place 1 pancake on a plate and top with fruit mixture. Layer another pancake and finish with fruit and a drizzle of tahini. Yum!


You need a decent amount of coconut oil in the frypan to ensure the mixture does not stick, plus it gives the pancakes a delicious coconut flavour.

recipe created by Emma H for go natural foods

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